Welcome to Recoveringarts.com
We are proud to offer incredible prison art made by recovering addicts and other people trying to change their lives.
We are proud to offer incredible prison art made by recovering addicts and other people trying to change their lives.
We promote the use of art therapy in recovery from addictions. The pieces offered here are dedicated to all broken families and were made inside a prison with supplies from Blick Art Materials. Your purchases will not only help support the children of parents who are incarcerated, but also help rebuild someone's life.
Each box of recommended craft sticks will make up to 25 picture frames and bases. Complete instructions are step-by-step and include photos of each stage of the building process.
This website is a part of the YouTube channel (The Art of Recovery). The videos tell a personal story of recovery from addictions, offer instructions on learning how to create art, and will hopefully help rebuild someone's broken family and life.
We want to go inside jails and prisons to teach art therapy as men and women recover from addictions and rebuild relationships with their children and families. We need your help. Epoxy picture frames free to donors of $20 and up.
We need your help to make a difference in the lives of incarcerated addicts that want to change their lives. If you see a picture in our photo gallery and would like to purchase a replica or it's instructions then please contact us.
We love our customers, so feel free to contact us anytime.
ericrecoveringarts@ gmail.com
Over 300 grocery stores across 14 states are supplying their leftover ads to help us with this project! Available now!...The complete step-by-step instructions, and a video that explains how it all started as we hope to offer opportunities for men and women to financially support their children while incarcerated.
At Recoveringarts.com, we will soon showcase some of the most incredible prison art ever seen. Keep an eye out for upcoming displays of talent and pieces offered for sale.